Brazil it’s currently number three in the world in number of fully-immunized people, having reached over 160 million individuals.


Last Friday (4/1) Interministerial Ordinance 670/22 was published, establishing the new policy for international travel during the Covid-19 pandemic. The new rules have already come into force and must be observed by travelers as well as companies responsible for air, waterborne and land transportation. 

In general terms, the new rules reinforce the central role of vaccination in the national border policy for all types of transportationFor that reason, presenting a proof of complete immunization is mandatory for all individuals eligible for vaccination and who intend to enter Brazil. 

According to the ordinance, a traveler will be considered fully vaccinated when it has completed the primary vaccination schedule (two doses or a single dose, according to the immunizer) at least 14 days before the date of departure. The vaccines allowed in Brazil are those approved by Anvisa, the World Health Organization (WHO) or the authorities of the country where the traveler was immunized. 

However, as stated by the new rules, proof of vaccination will not be accepted if the vaccine data is available only in QR Code format or in any other coded language. In addition, medical certificates of recovery from Covid-19 will not be accepted as proof of complete vaccination. And finally, following Anvisa's recommendation, quarantines on arrival in Brazilian territory will no longer be required 

On March 23, Anvisa recommended (by means of a Technical Note) that the Committee of Ministers who signed the Interministerial Ordinance 666/2022 should update the policy of restrictions for travelers entering the country. In that recommendationwhich was based on evidence and data analysisthe agency considered the new epidemiological and health context in Brazilthe efficiency of the measures imposed in the country, and the international scenario. The agency also pointed out that the restrictions should be proportionate to the health public risks.  

Check the new rules for each type of transportation 

Air Transportation 

Traveler Health Declaration: it is no longer necessary to fill in the DSV (Traveler Health Declaration).  

Vaccinated travelers: Brazilians and foreigners are exempt from presenting a proof of a negative or undetectable Covid-19 testHowever they must present to the airline, before boarding, a proof of vaccination, either printed or electronic. 

- Brazilians or foreigners residing in Brazilian territory who are not fully vaccinated: if they have a health condition that contraindicates vaccination (attested by a medical report), if they are not eligible for vaccination due to age or if they are coming from countries with low vaccination coverage, in those situations they must present to the airline, before boarding, proof of a negative or undetectable Covid-19 test, such as an antigen test or RT-PCR laboratory carried out one day before boarding time. 

- Foreigners who are not fully vaccinated are not allowed to entethe national territory (with exceptions). 

Land transportation and borders 

Brazilians and foreigners must present proof of vaccination at land control points. The proof of vaccination must also be presented, as a condition for boarding, to the services responsible for international road and rail passenger transport. 

The following cases are exempt from presenting proof of vaccination in land transport: 

  • Brazilians and foreigners who reside in Brazilian territory and are not fully vaccinated. 

  • Cargo transport workers under the conditions established by the ordinance. 

  • Border residents in twin cities. 

  • Travelers in situations of vulnerability (humanitarian crisis). 

  • Travelers from countries with low vaccination coverage. 

  • People who are ineligible for vaccination due to age. 

  • Travelers with a health condition that contraindicates vaccination. 

Foreigners who are not fully vaccinated are not allowed to enter the national territory (with exceptions). 

Waterborne transportation 

Vaccinated travelersBrazilians or foreigners coming from abroad must present to the company or person responsible for the vessel, before boarding, a proof of vaccination, either printed or electronic. 

Vaccinated travelers are exempt from presenting any proof of a negative or undetectable Covid-19 test. 

Brazilians or foreigners residing in Brazilian territory who are not fully vaccinated: if they have a health condition that contraindicates vaccination (attested by a medical report), if they are not eligible for vaccination due to age or if they are coming from countries with low vaccination coverage, in those conditions, those travelers must present to the company or person responsible for the vessel, before disembarking in the country, a proof of a negative or undetectable Covid-19 test, such as an antigen test or RT-PCR laboratory carried out one day before boarding time. 

Foreigners who are not fully vaccinated are not allowed to enter the national territory (with exceptions).  


Rules for children 

Vaccinated children are covered by the general rules of the new ordinance.  

Unvaccinated children: 

• children under the age of 12 who are accompanied are exempt from providing a Covid-19 test, provided all people accompanying the children present documents with a negative result or undetectable, laboratory-type RT-PCR or antigen test, performed up to one day before departure/entry into the country. 

• Children aged between 2 and 12 years who are traveling unaccompanied must present a document with a negative or undetectable result, such as RT-PCR laboratory type or antigen test, performed up to one day before departure/entry into the country. 

• Children under 2 years of age are not required to submit any Covid-19 tests. 


 Flights to Brazil originating in or passing through the following countries are temporarily prohibited:

  • Republic of South Africa
  • Republic of Botswana
  • Kingdom of Eswatini
  • kingdom of lesotho
  • Republic of Namibia
  • republic of zimbabwe

The boarding authorization to Brazil of foreign travelers, coming from or passing through, in the last 14 days before boarding, through these countries is temporarily suspended.



The City of São Paulo established, from decree 61.149, of March 17, published in the Official Gazette of the City of São Paulo, that the use of masks is no longer mandatory in closed environments in the capital. The exception is for places intended for the provision of health services and in public transport.


The obligation extends to the respective areas of access, embarkation and disembarkation of public transport. App transport vehicles and taxis are considered for public use and therefore the use of masks must be maintained.